Social Media is Like a Slot Machine

Thanks for clicking on our social media links.  We actually do not have any social media accounts, but we do have an e-newsletter that you can subscribe to and sweet-action workshops that you can attend.

We passed on social media, because those websites are owning our time. Rather than join our social media following, go do something awesome with the time saved.

Like slot machines, the #1 goal of social media sites is to capture our attention.  The average Facebook user spends 35 minutes a day on it. Across a lifetime, this translates into spending 1 year and 7 months on Facebook (please reread this sentence).  Community Lifeguard does not want to be part of your 35 minutes on Facebook. In fact, our hope is that you would actually reduce the 35 minutes per day your averaging on it.   With the time you saved by not joining our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram group, go do something awesome with it!  A few ideas for you to consider....encourage someone, mini work-out, power nap, play with your kiddos, or call grandma to check-up.

Attend our Technology Workshop to discover more ways that social media is like a slot machine.