Lifeguard Stand
Become the Lifeguard of Your Home

Stop viewing your child's safety from ground level and start viewing it from the lifeguard stand.  Take the stand, become the lifeguard of your home, and protect your child's mind and body. We will accomplish three things during this 30-minute workshop which includes:

  • Elevating your perspective
  • Exposing you to unavoidable dangers targeting our children such as pornography
  • Exploring practical ways to protect our children

If you attend only one of our workshops, then this is the one to attend.

Home Safety

For our children, the safest place in the world should be the home. During this 1-hour workshop, we will take your home's safety strategy to a whole new level by:

  • Demo-ing home safety products
  • Discovering one product that every home should have
  • Discussing areas of your home that require a safety strategy
Technology Safety

Technology is like the deep end of a swimming pool. If our children know how to swim, then it can be fun. If our children do not know how to swim, then the consequences can be devastating. During this 1.5 hour workshop, we will learn how to swim the deep waters of technology. We will share the latest research which will help us answer questions like, "At what age should my child begin using technology?"  We will also demo safety products, filtering software, and apps for:

  • Computers
  • Phones
  • Television